Colin has been bowling with Calgary Special Olympics for about 24 years now. He loves this. He loves the coaches, sincerely loves the coaches, and he loves all the participants, well some of them he just ignores, but for the most part, I would say the Saturday activity is the highlight of the week.
The annual registration package arrives in the mail about 8 weeks before. Lots of forms to fill out. I cringe at having to fill them all out and I complain about yet again we have to do this in such an archaic way!! Standing in line for hours for a simple check mark on the application form; then another line-up for payment. ugh!!!
day is mentioned almost every day from the day he receives the
package. Don't forget Mom. September 4th, Mom at 7:00 pm, Mom!!! Don't forget. Colin calls me at least once every day and
every day he makes sure to mention this. God certainly wanted me to
develop patience. I really still need to learn to grin and accept,
and to just love him back. Its simple but not always easy.
day finally has arrived. Colin meets me after work around 4:00 pm
and we drive up to the NE part of the city so that we are in close
proximity to the venue where registration takes place. We need to be
sure we avoid traffic. A great anxiety attack would take place if we
were late!!! Getting there later than 6:00 pm would be late. So we
go have some supper. I try to make it a positive event for both
Colin and I because this is my dreaded event of the year. My whole
evening is taken up with this event. So supper at Sunridge Mall
where he chooses the food court - Lebanese food. Colin, I ask, why
do you want this food?? Because!!! Ok, Have you ever had it
before?? NO, but that's what I want.... OK then, we both order a
plate. He loves his but is not as hungry as he thought and I wolf
all of mine down, it was delicious. Thanks for the idea Colin!!!
make our way over to the registration venue; we have to
park in a separate parking lot as there is already a line-up. We are
there by 5:45 pm. It is really hot and we are standing outside
waiting for the doors to open. Some very thoughtful people are
handing out ice cold bottles of water. THANK YOU!!!
atmosphere is truly loving. You can't miss it; Colin knows so many
people!!! He is friendly and happy - He is usually quite reserved
but in this environment he begins very slowly by grinning from ear to
ear as only he can. Soon, he is shaking hands with people who are
coming to him with hands extended..... HI, COLIN BUDDY!!! complete
acceptance and genuine caring!!! This is the boy who used to hide behind me rather than return the greeting. It continues for two hours,
seriously - it takes two hours to get through this.
The doors finally open; it
is hot in the building and crowded and noisy and I am wishing this is
over when Colin looks at me and says: “Mom, its ok, its almost
over” and I suddenly realize, I am here, in the moment, I need to
appreciate this moment.... and then I see all of it. The people
here are completely at ease with who they are. They accept each other
and themselves.
I met a young girl standing in front of us who was
really chatty.... her name is: Joanne, but she prefers to be
called JJ. She is a very high functiioning Down Syndrome girl and is
here on her own. 25 years of age and such a sweet girl. There is a
young Down Syndrome boy accross the way from us who is obviously
interested in her and she is doing her best to ignore him, complete
with the eyes rolling. I love it!!!
Colin notices everything and everyone. He
does not miss a thing. He is pointing people out to me and people
are often pointing him out and grinning. He is truly enjoying
this and I just need to stay in the moment. Soon we are at the
registration desk amd we are greeted like family. It truly is a part
of Colin's family. He is home here!!! People love him here, accept
him here. That is very comforting to me. I am so grateful.
volunteers are amazing individuals who freely give of their time and
energy. Its simply amazing. There are also other parents there. Some of these parents are quite a bit older than I and it makes me wonder how brave they are!! How courageous and how dedicated. Do I see that in myself? I think I am just Colin's Mom and I am grateful.
is complete for another year. There are promises of updating this
process with on-line registration - please lets do that!!!
then we would miss this event!! In a way that would be sad.