The other day, Colin came into my office. It was a Wednesday, he always comes to my office on Wednesdays because that is the day he gets his spending money. We have a few minutes to laugh and giggle and usually, he happily goes off to spend his money.
This Wednesday morning, Colin was not laughing and giggling. He was pretty sick I could see that right away. I work really hard at not over-reacting. In fact, I have to work really hard at not reacting at all. So I quietly said: "What's going on Colin?? to which he responded: "I'm sick, Mom". Its something he rarely admits to me. He is not a complainer.
He went on to say that he had a sore throat. It was a croaky voice that came out. Hmmmm, so I asked him if he wanted to go to the hospital?? Nope. I asked if he wanted to go see our family doctor?? Nope, Mom, its just a sore throat. That stopped me. "Well, what's going on Colin?" I asked. He admitted then that the jacket that he had on was not warm enough.
That was a huge admission. We had just bought him that jacket under great duress. We had a terrible argument in the middle of our favorite store. I had asked him to go pick out a new winter coat. He absolutely needed a new winter coat. Colin has great fashion sense and great ideas about how he should look, not really concerned about APPROPRIATE attire for weather conditions. I usually win out with the common sense, but sometimes, I am too tired to fight, and sometimes I just simply have to LET GO!!!
A hard lesson for him and heartbreaking for me. Colin does not always learn from consequences. His brain simply does not always work that way. This time I believe he learned something.
I gave him some money and told him to go find a BIG, WARM winter coat. He phoned me later to confirm that he had chosen something much better. Thank you God. Your Will - not mine!!!
There are so many things that I have had to LET GO of. Sooooo many. I have learned much about myself and so much about Colin.
But I am still on the journey. And so is he.
I don't think I will ever really have all the answers. I know that I am always willing. I know that I remain teachable. But is that enough??
I don't want to be a "martyr" and I don't want to be a "victim". I don't want to be full of self-pity. Sometimes, I have to be there in order to climb out of that "rut" and to realize that I have done well. I choose to appreciate and acknowledge that I have done a good job of balancing letting go with stepping in and changing something. Otherwise, I will not be able to accept the guilt. The guilt is simply another "rut". I want to live in the gratitude that I have Colin to teach me great LOVE and acceptance. I might not learn the lesson any other way.
Simple but not easy.