Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Something happened to me on Mother's Day that I think is worth sharing.

Colin LOVES special events like Mother's Day so there is no doubt he will be hanging out with me on Mother's Day.  

Its my birthday just days before Mother's Day and so on the Sunday before he said "Mom, I want to take you somewhere for your birthday"  -  which makes me grin from ear to ear....  because I know that I will be paying for this special lunch....  but he still thinks he is "taking me for lunch".  

I let him "take me for lunch"  -  he loved every minute and so did I.  A hamburger joint with tons of fries  -  you know the one.  It was a lot of fun.

My other two boys also treat me really well for this special time of year.  They don't "take me for lunch"  -  they have families of their own and that is really good.  They always have special gifts for me and they are sure to call and wish me a Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day.  They are a delight.  And this year I got a video from each of the 6 and 4 year old grand-sons  -  pure joy.  My life is blessed.

I am truly grateful.

On Mother's Day this year, Dennis, my hubby had to work from 11:00 - 4:00 pm which left Colin and I to spend the day taking care of errands.  We managed to go to the off-leash area to take Max our dog for a run.  We both really enjoyed this.  Then we stopped at Sheldon and Jennifer's for a quick visit and to be presented with a wonderful gift.  

After that we needed to put Colin's grocery list together  -  which is a bit of a stretch.  He has to be "encouraged" through this process.  Lets just say that I am tired by the time we get through this. Then its off to the Co-Op where lots of people know us because that is what we do every Sunday!!!   I was feeling a little sorry for myself.  Boo hoo  -  Mother's Day and I am grocery shopping!!!  ::))  There is a lot of dialogue between Colin and I.  I have my calculator to ensure that we stay within his budget.  We got through and got a lot of good bargains.  It was a successful shopping trip.  I am tired.  I need to drive through traffic and make sure to get Colin home so that he can unpack his groceries and make his supper.  Then I have to drive back home.  Boo hoo!!!

After finishing at the till, Colin had to go down the hall before we left the store, so I was standing there waiting for him.  An attractive middle aged lady came up to me and said:

"Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you two look really good together   -  he is so cute and you are both dressed so nicely.  Happy Mother's Day!!!"  

And she gave me a big smile. She walked away really quickly leaving the store.....  almost like she disappeared.  I think she might have been an angel.  I think she was reminding me that I am an angel  -  that I am doing angel's work.  Its hard for me to acknowledge....  but there you go, I said it.

That lady gave me a wonderful gift  -  it almost made me cry  -  it shifted my self-pity to gratitude.  

Sometimes we go through our days believing that no one really notices   -  but there are angels among us  (one of my favorite songs).  Thank you to the lady in the Co-Op store who noticed and made the decision to acknowledge and appreciate.  There are so many angels out there.....  are you one??  How do you acknowledge yourself???  Do you acknowledge other angels???  It could change someone's day.  It changed mine.