Sunday, April 16, 2017


Today in the middle of the day - when I had an uneventful day - very quiet and I even had a nap kind of day - I broke down in tears and suddenly realized that I wanted someone to take care of me. I realized that I am tired.

Its been a 3-month run of medical appointments, doctor's appointments, telephone conversations, appointments with home care, late night calls with home care. Not to mention filling out the necessary paper work. More runs to the hospital with Colin because of a wound on his forehead which won't stop bleeding. He is on blood thinners so this is not uncommon. His out-of-control diabetes produces skin issues. Then having him freakout in the middle of the hospital “Rainman” style because he was suddenly afraid that they might admit him again.

Late night negotiations with Home Care (the visiting LPN's) to knock on the door one more time please. Colin has a habit of falling asleep in front of the TV and sometimes does not respond, or worst - he has “decided” that he does not want to co-operate with that particular LPN - “she's mean Mom”!!!

Booking dental appointments - ensuring that they have the latest list of medications/prescriptions. Special O needs that list also. So does Indefinite Arts. As does C.A.S.S.

Are you tired yet???

At 44 years of age on January 11th, Colin had a heart attack. We found out during his hospital stay that he in fact has 7 blockages in his heart and it truly is a miracle that he survived. To complicate this; Colin was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 7 years ago. A stent was installed but open heart surgery is not an option because his type 2 diabetes was out of control. We are doing everything we can to ensure that his diabetes settles down.

Are you worried yet???

Dignity for Colin has always been our primary goal. Not monitoring his eating habits and his lifestyle choices may have resulted in the situation that we are in now. But he is fiercely independent. Now his lifestyle is being closely monitored by myself and by his supportive roommates. He is now on insulin once a day, which he can administer himself but he needs to be supervised by home care so that we can ensure that he is in fact taking this medication. This is not going well as his fierce independence rears its ugly head and insists that he knows how to do this!!!

Colin's emotional maturity is at about 12 – 13 years of age - what would you do with your 12-13 year old??? What decisions would you make?? His health and welfare are taking a back seat to his dignity - but should it?? What is most important???

I am tired - I am doing everything in my power to “take care of myself”. To balance this out with my personal interests and needs. But sometimes - it just becomes overwhelming and I just want someone else to do this and I want someone to just take care of me!!! I am making sure that I go for a massage, haircut, a new yoga class, pedicure, naps in the afternoon, coffee and phone calls with my good friends and family. I am NOT eating well, but I will get on with that. I am so grateful for the amazing support I have surrounded myself with.

Because, in fact, I have been doing this for 44 years. I have been Colin's MOM for better than 44 years now. He is a gift; a blessing - I can't say that enough. He has definitely made me grow up and he also keeps me young!!!

The only thing left to do is to Surrender - to the God of my understanding - as long as I do this - I am not alone - I am walking hand in hand with my Higher Power. Just for today God, could you go to the next meeting with Home Care??? Of course You will, You will be right there with me - I simply have to surrender and You will be there.

Thanks for listening.